Thursday, February 26, 2015

Josh already has more than enough for an album

I'm realizing that Josh already has much more than enough material for a new album.  Recently, there have been performances, I think all professional recorded of

  • "Bridge Over Troubled Water" on the televised "Teachers Rock"
  • "Non Penso A Te" from "La Dolce Vita"
  • "Cinema Paradiso" from "La Dolce Vita" with Renee Fleming & Joshua Bell
  • "Mi Mancherai" with Renee Fleming
  • "Move on" with Rufus Wainwright from Toronto's Luminato festival
  • "Someone Else's Story" from Toronto's Luminato Festival
  • "If I Loved You" with Rufus Wainright from Toronto's Luminato festival
  • "She's Always a Woman to Me," which I don't remember where he performed it
So far, as far as I know these have not been formally issued as audio recordings, so people who want to listen to them have to rely on bootleg recordings.  Personally, I would prefer to respect copyright if I can, but these are absolutely gorgeous performances -- all of them -- and they deserve to be properly distributed on legal .mp3.

In addition to these, there are a number of singles issued lately that should be grouped in one place

  • "Your Hideaway"
  • "The Mystery of Your Gift"
  • "Somewhere" with Barbara Streisand
  • "This Is All I Ask" with Tony Bennet
  • "Remember When It Rained" with Judith Hill
  • "Sous le ciel de Paris" with Placido Domingo (the sole one in this list that I'm not so fond of, tho I loved "La Tua Semplicita."
That's 14 songs, total -- more than enough for an album

I recognize that there may be issues with getting permission for this album, but surely that's only a question of sufficient payment.

To me this stuff would make a fabulous album.  Josh is issuing an album of Broadway songs.  Maybe it will include the ones from Toronto.  I certainly hope so, but probably not.  Rufus is really funny flirting with Josh.  Rufus, of course, is gay and Josh is not and plays a great straight man to Rufus's light hearted flirting.  This may be too risqué for some audiences, I suppose -- tho it's hardly explicit.  I personally think the flirting was well done.

Maybe at least the first list could be some kind of EP that Josh could issue to the fan club?  I don't know.  But it just seems so ridiculous that he's working so hard to get together an album, when there's already one there.

Phishing scam?

NB: addendum at end

I got the following e-mail

When I got the message source text, it read as follows:

Authentication-Results:; spf=softfail (sender IP is; dkim=none; x-hmca=none
X-SID-Result: NONE
X-Message-Status: n:n
X-Message-Delivery: Vj0xLjE7dXM9MDtsPTE7YT0wO0Q9MTtHRD0xO1NDTD0w
X-Message-Info: NhFq/7gR1vSG2DkhANWWQ4KHcdXw2Wh+HWcpbD701FEZ6Szjj7zQSArxUH2pBi33N7hkwoWUiCO8eOo4KlbBhkeMOB1zBstjHZFqGx4WDj5uNewd58aqmfDclwbhBYempXXI1lQ4u0/F1PwEsOYQRKT30slcGSaAbEG5ulFBMtQqO5RsB8xGgE9oD+gOJvkUDpd+U+EHlLNT1ON53auuU6W4i3P9sgSa
Received: from ([]) by with Microsoft SMTPSVC(7.5.7601.22751);
  Thu, 26 Feb 2015 04:50:25 -0800
Received: by (Postfix, from userid 48)
 id 6FDF7C40825; Thu, 26 Feb 2015 06:50:25 -0600 (CST)
To: =?utf-8?B?QW5uZSBCYXJzY2hhbGw=?= <>
Subject: =?utf-8?B?TWVtYmVyc2hpcCBFeHBpcmVk?=
X-PHP-Originating-Script: 48:Sendmail.php
From: Friends of Josh Groban - The Official Josh Groban Fan Club <>
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2015 12:50:25 +0000
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
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MIME-Version: 1.0
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X-OriginalArrivalTime: 26 Feb 2015 12:50:25.0971 (UTC) FILETIME=[CAAEE830:01D051C2]

<style type=3D"text/css">=0Abody,td { color:#000000; font:11px/1.35em Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; }=0D=0Aa {color: #c86e46;}=0A</style>=0A=0D=0A=0D=0A=0D=0A=0D=0A=0D=0A<body style=3D"backgr=
ound: #000000; font-family: Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; margin:0; padding:0;">=0D=0A<div style=3D"font-family: Arial, Verdana,  Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; margin=
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top" style=3D"padding:20px 0 20px 0;">=0D=0A                <table width=3D"670" cellspacing=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" border=3D"0" style=3D"padding: 20px;" bgcolor=3D"#e6e6e5">=0D=0A                  =
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    =0D=0A  <p style=3D"margin: 0; padding: 0;">=0D=0A    <img style=3D"width: 100%;" src=3D"" alt=
=3D"" />=0D=0A  </p>=0D=0A=0D=0A                        </td>=0D=0A                    </tr>=0D=0A                    <!-- [ middle starts here] -->=0D=0A                    <tr>=0D=0A               =
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ing=3D"0" border=3D"0" style=3D"width:630px;">=0D=0A                                <tr>=0D=0A                                    <td width=3D"630" style=3D"width: 630px;">=0D=0A                     =
                   <h1 style=3D"font-size:21px; font-weight:bold; color: #000000;">Dear [name deleted]!</h1>=0D=0A=0D=0A                                        <p>Your membership in FOJG: Friends of J=
osh Groban expired on 07/23/2014.=0D=0A                                            Please visit the fan club site to renew or upgrade your membership<br/=
>=0D=0A=0D=0A                                        </p>=0D=0A                                        <p></p>=0D=0A               =
                         <p>Your email address:</p>=0D=0A                                    </td>=0D=0A                                </tr>=0D=0A                       =
     </table>=0D=0A                        </td>=0D=0A                    </tr>=0D=0A                </table>=0D=0A                <!-- [ footer starts here] -->=0D=0A                <table  width=3D"=
670" cellspacing=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" border=3D"0">=0D=0A                    <tr>=0D=0A                        <td valign=3D"top" width=3D"670" align=3D"center" style=3D"padding: 15px 0px 15px 0px;=
 color: #c86e46;">=0D=0A                            =0D=0A                        </td>=0D=0A                    </tr>=0D=0A                </table>=0D=0A            </td>=0D=0A        </tr>=0D=0A   =


I sent the link in the e-mail to Brainy Redhead on twitter, who is a computer security expert.  She feels this is a phishing scam

Addendum 2/27/15:

I got an e-mail from Warner Music saying that this isn't a phishing scam, but they can't understand why it went out.  I'm not taking this blog down yet, tho.  If they don't know why it went out, I think the links are still suspicious.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Fifty Shades

I guess I should know better than to write on a book/movie that I’ve never read/watched, nor do I think  I would care to.  I am a prude.  BDSM does not seem titillating to me at all. It seems scary and unpleasant.  

I’ve read a couple of blogs about it recently, tho.  That makes me an expert right? (Hah!)

Here are the blogs (arguing that some women, especially the main character in this book/movie may actually enjoy being subs)

Friends of mine on my real name FB account posted these links to blogs about the movie.  That made me want to talk about it.

I briefly dated a dom, myself.  Once I became clear about what it was that he was saying about himself, it also becomes clear to me that he was not the right person for me.  Shudder.

I just don’t think I could ever enjoy a game that would involve even play acting erotic violence and abuse against myself.  

Normally, if I had met this guy on an e-dating website, if he had started out telling that he was into BDSM,  I just would have blocked him.  Since this guy was a professional colleague and friend, I could not do that or at least i did not feel comfortable doing so.  We did stop dating; tho not before I spent a lot of time bashing my pillow against the wall pretending it was his head.

But we stayed friends and he explained that his former partner really loved BDSM, mostly because it was a role reversal. She was very dominant in her professional life and enjoyed playing the sub privately.  By contrast, he was not very dominant out in the world so he enjoyed playing a dom privately.  It was a game, he insisted, that they both enjoyed.  

She wasn’t around for me to verify this story with, so I tried to believe him, tho, for me, being a sub would just never, never be fun, so it was hard for me to imagine.  I did find that one of my friends claimed to have enjoyed being a sub and another of my friends was constantly fantasizing about being a sub, so obviously my revulsion was not universal.

Then a couple of celebs were connected with BDSM.  One, a Canadian talk show host, was accused of non-consensual BDSM activities and lost his job.  The other, a US pop singer, was privately accused on micro-blogging sites by women who did not use his name, but who were connected enough with the singer that his fans would figure out that he was the person referred to.  In the latter case, it was not non-consensual, but apparently he sometimes got a bit too rough, which was apparently not appreciated.

This led to a lot of twitter DMs, which raised some more issues issues that came up in discussions with friends.

For instance, one friend mentioned that, since men are usually larger, more aggressive, and control the money in a relationship, isn’t it questionable that the woman ever really consented? Maybe she just went along with it to avoid making waves. 

Also this friend worried that, if the dom is a celeb, a non-celeb might feel too pressured to please the celeb and not dare say no to BDSM if the dom/celeb insisted on it.  

It seemed that there was inherently some kind of abuse of power in a celeb/non-celeb relationship — but also in  most male/female couples.  Certainly in the 50 Shades situation, where the dom was a wealthy man who pursued a a much younger, less wealthy woman, it appeared that an abuse of power would be likely.

Still, in the book/movie itself, the woman was said to enjoy being a sub — indeed she was more than enjoying it — she was thrilled with it.

I’ve always taken the view that what happens between consenting adults in the privacy of their own home is no one’s business, so long as no one is injured.  So, technically, this should be ok with me.  If, in fact, both parties *are* consenting.

This brings me back to the a possibility that the adults participating in BDSM are not actually both consenting, but instead the smaller, financially disadvantaged one may be coerced.  Possibly, if she says she enjoys it, mightn’t it even be Stockholm Syndrome?  How would you ever disentangle what was truth and what was fiction?

Also, in BDSM, there can be injuries.  For instance, I had a friend in college who was persuaded by her much larger boyfriend (she weighed about 90 lbs and he was close to 300 lbs) to let him stick pins into her.  She disliked this activity, but put up with it to placate him -- tho eventually she broke off the relationship.

In any case, I remain uncomfortable with the concept of BDSM.  I certainly have no desire to see the movie and completely fail to understand those people who like to watch this stuff.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Killed by Sword During Youth

I originally discovered this piece, because Josh Groban said he was composing a piano/zhonghu fusion song back in the 2010 time frame.  He recently said he was still working on it.  So back in 2010 I searched for zhonghu and "Killed by Sword During Youth" came up.

Killed by Sword During Youth was performed at the Beijing Central Conservatory of Music, May 16, 2005.  It's about 16 minutes long. There are two youtube videos memorializing it

Killed by Sword During Youth Part I
Killed by Sword During Youth part 2

This piece features an orchestra with some Western Instruments (piano, drum, harp, bass violin) and some Chinese instruments including strings and winds.  The sound is unique -- not like anything else I've ever heard.

I had my professor in my ear training course listen to it.  He explained to me that Chinese pieces frequently have an additive rhythm, progressing through a sequence somewhat like: 5/4, 7/4, 9/4, and 11/4, and repeatedly.

Anyway, I wanted to note this information here, so I will remember it.  I have had trouble getting others interested in this piece, tho Lucia Micarelli liked it.

In any case, I think it shows that the Chinese can be quite adventurous musically.

Here's another performance by that same very cute Chinese string player

piano/erhu rondo