So it happened again. I tweeted this.
You'll note I changed back to my original avi, my pet parrot, rather than the eagle with the pink cap.
I got a response.
She said
I said:
Here's the link to the instagram photo that we're talking about
You'll note that at first I was confused and thought she was talking about the conversation I had the previous day with Daisy
Here's my blog about that
It just didn't occur to me that she could object to my sending a beautiful, artistic photo of scantily clad people. Josh is no prude -- unlike some of his fans. He would love that photo.
Apparently, fans are obsessed with the idea that if they could control what was tweeted to Josh they could have prevented him from leaving twitter. They express this by attacking other fans.
In fact, historically, ever since Josh became famous, he has had a horror of fans attacking each other over social media posts directed at him. He's talked about that repeatedly. I included a screen shot of one of his comments in my immediately previous blog.
What was even worse was that if he defended a fan who was being attacked, then fans would attack him for getting involved.
I'm reminded of the five stages of grief:
Obviously, these fans are in the Anger and Bargaining stages, where they feel like somehow they could control whether he leaves by controlling what is tweeted to him -- not really understanding what was bothering him in the first place.
I withheld a political tweet just before he left, because I was worried that politics was what was upsetting him. Of course, I don't know that. I'm just speculating.