I've seen several people posting online that since Adam Lambert has grown a beard and longer hair he "looks like Jesus." That's a peculiar assertion.
Jesus lived 2,000 years ago in the Middle East. He almost certainly looked like what modern day Arabs look like: black, culy hair, dark eyes, olive skin, short stature. Yes, he likely had long hair and a beard -- but that doesn't mean that everyone who has long hair and a beard looks like Jesus.
Adam is 6'1", has blue eyes & straight hair. Tho he often dies his hair black, it's really a lighter color. Moreover, even though he is Jewish, his features are generally northern European. He most certainly does *not* look like Jesus.
There's a famous painting often referred to as the "beauty parlor Jesus" There is this desire to see Jesus as being pretty.
This painting features a Jesus with slightly wavy light brown or ash blond hair -- plainly northern European. A lot of people do not notice this inconsistency. Actually, if you look at Renaissance Italian paintings of Jesus, they also depict him with much lighter hair than he would really have had.
Some researchers are claiming that there are geometrical differences between the faces of gay and straight men https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-41188560
Personally, I feel that Adam has what I would call an "angel face," and yes I think a lot of gay men have that. I wonder if that type of face is more likely to register as divine for some people, maybe most people. I wonder why that would be.
I started wondering whether the model for the beauty parlor Jesus might have been gay, but apparently the painter said he painted from a vision, not from a model -- so maybe not -- but maybe so, as one doesn't know what the subconscious is inspired by.