Monday, December 7, 2020

@parisjackson singing "Let Down" on Jimmy Kimmel

 Here's the video I'm commenting on

She got all the right genes

  • She got MJ's face (Prince got his mother's wider face, which I find less attractive)
  • MJ's tendency to be thin (the mother was not)
  • the nose that MJ wanted from his white wife (which he famously pursued with plastic surgery)
  • her mother's height (MJ being only average height)
  • MJ's charismatic performance ability
  • MJ's precise sense of rhythm
  • MJ's precise musical blending ability (which we saw in particular on the SoundFlowers EP)
  • recessive blue eye genes (which shouldn't matter, but definitely attracted a lot of attention to her over the years -- most people apparently not having realized that the average African American is 18% white, due to the unfortunate tendency of slave holders to rape their slaves.  It has been said that in the Entertainment industry there is no such thing as bad publicity -- something that enhanced her father's career, even though he didn't like it -- so having people gossip about her blue eyes just made her more famous.  BTW they only look fluorescent because her skin is darker than that of most blue eyed people)
  • MJ's ability to reinvent himself 
Remains to be seen:

  • dancing? (There's a hint of it here, but we can't be sure.  We see her start to let go and move with the music connecting with her gut.  I saw that happening with her dad, but this was just a hint)
  • extraordinary vocal range? We're not seeing this yet, but I don't know that it isn't there.  
Not sure if good or bad
  • some of MJ's shyness (demonstrated by her posting videos of her singing, showing only her fingers on the guitar -- and essentially singing background on most of the SoundFlowers EP)
Reminder that basically she looks like his twin, from a previous blog post

I am really enjoying "Wilted" though it is malfunctioning in the Amazon music app -- and when I click on it I get other performers.  It's hypnotic and beautiful.

I am struck at the musical differences between the Soundflowers EP and "Wilted."  She's not a one trick pony.

It doesn't hurt that she's beautiful.  

In a way, I kind of feel sorry for her former boyfriend, Gabriel Glen.  He's a competent musician, but I don't think he's quite good enough to be a star.  He probably should have realized that neither Paris nor her fans were going to tolerate her being his descant long term.  It was a great first album experience for her, though.  

I think of the irony of his having been amazed at how well she blended with him. Yeah. MJ's daughter.  He was a fabulous background vocalist, as well as lead singer, as demonstrated by the multiple tracks of him singing background on his own albums.

Poor Gabe  He should have realized that the important thing was not how well she blended with him, but how well he blended with her.  He demonstrated that on one track, but not overall.  Still, he is to be congratulated on helping her get out of her shell.  I am grateful to him for that.

I kind of doubt that he's going to be famous in the future, but I could be wrong. I love his hair.  He looked great next to her in pictures.  Maybe he'll pull it off, or become a producer.

I notice that the second guy she worked with, Andy Hull, got it.  He's there making the album magical, but featuring her.  He's got his head on straight.

“It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.” – Harry S. Truman