Tuesday, November 30, 2021

.@AdamLambert "Underneath" Then & Now (& others)

 I've just been comparing Adam Lambert singing "Underneath" in 2013

And in 2021

He has become more physically imposing, but his rendition of the song is much more vulnerable and emotional.  With the newer version, I really feel that I'm inside his head, in his bed: in his most private moment.  The older version didn't feel as authentic.

It's not common that people make themselves that vulnerable in public.  It's moving, yet also somewhat disturbing.  There seems to be a desperation in his performance now, as if he doesn't care whether anyone sees his pain -- yet it's brilliant.  It totally draws me in.

His voice seems a bit lower.  He is going into falsetto more than he did when he was younger, but there is a greater variety of textures.

It seems to me quite common that performers improve their stage craft with age, even if their voices may change with age -- not always in a good way (tho here I would say Adam sounds great.)

Here is Neil Diamond as a young man singing Sweet Caroline

And here he is singing it at age 72

His voice is faltering as an older man, but the stage presence has improved dramatically -- and the audience is going crazy.  He's put down the guitar, moves around the stage dynamically, interacting with the audience --  and this despite the fact that he was in a lot of pain from arthritis at age 72.

Here's Dolly Parton singing "Jolene" in 1974.

And here she is singing it with Pentatonix in 2016

Her voice is raspier, but the performance is far more emotional and draws me in much more.  Her face is more expressive.

People really do learn more about performance with experience.  The entertainment industry needs to learn this, and not keep thinking that young people are necessarily the best.

#AdamLambert #Underneath #DollyParton #Jolene #NeilDiamond #SweetCaroline #aging #stagePresence #olderPerformers