Wednesday, January 1, 2020

dithering about the faces of @adamlambert

So, I find myself becoming a Glambert, perhaps predictable. I've always been drawn to gay men like a moth to flame.

It's odd that I should be drawn to him, though. I've never liked makeup.  I've had 4 objections to it
1. I feel that God made my face and I shouldn't second guess what it should look like
2. I feel that makeup on women is like the black veils the women wear in Saudi Arabia -- the belief that the female face is not acceptable
3. I have very sensitive skin and putting stuff on it tends to make me break out.
4. I just don't like the way it looks -- so fake, and slightly horrifying, like I'm looking at a zombie or a mask rather than a person.

But, wrt to #2, here's Adam, a man, choosing to wear makeup.  I don't think it's because he thinks that there's something wrong with the male face. I think it's because he thinks makeup is titillating.  That somehow seems to make makeup seem somewhat less evil to me.

And makeup *is* very central to Adam, for sure. He adores it. I look at these photos and I like the one on the left better (bottom on cell phone, left on desktop). I suspect he likes the one on the right better.

It's all very well and good for me to say "It's only about the music, and his beautiful voice," but that's not true. He's gorgeous, sexy, charismatic, dynamic on stage.  Once hooked, I would likely listen to anything he sang.

Well, maybe not. I would once have said that about Josh Groban and I don't feel that way now at all.

So here I am, a person constitutionally opposed to makeup, spending a whole lot of time online listening to and watching someone who loves makeup.

I once heard a saying "consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds."


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