Monday, May 28, 2012


This is an obscure, Grobanite topic.  

The object of our fandom, Josh Groban, owns a dog named Sweeney, a wheaten terrier.  

One of our fellow fans started a twitter ID called @SweeneysTweeter, imagining what Sweeney might be thinking and feeling.  This microblog was a very funny, warm, respectful piece of work that had over 1200 followers.  

I gather some people thought that Josh himself was creating these tweets.  The sense of humor was  similar to his: light, warm, childlike -- but Josh repeatedly denied writing those tweets, so those of us who were paying attention knew that it was a fellow fan.

Josh has been doing some appearances on the "Live! with Kelly" TV show.  This is a daytime, morning talk show that features appearances by many celebrities.  It used to be called "Regis & Kelly," but Regis retired.  Now Kelly is interviewing potential co-hosts to replace Regis.  Josh is one of those interviewees.  

Grobanites hardly know what to hope for with these appearances.  

On the one hand, Josh is positively brilliant at talk.  He's a master of improv and he really shows that when co-hosting: funny, creative, refreshing.  He thinks fast on his feet.  He is great with people.  It's a delight to watch him.

On the other hand, we want him to continue being a singer/songwriter and musician, as we love those aspects of his talent as well.  

However, in one recent appearance, something happened that was upsetting to a lot of us. Kelly asked him about @SweeneysTweeter, and he once again denied that that was him. Then he said he found it "creepy" that someone was tweeting for his dog.

The fan behind @SweeneysTweeter very quickly deleted the twitter account, explaining that he or she did not want to be creepy, and stopped tweeting.

I wonder if Josh thought carefully about delivering this "creepy" remark.   He did once indicate that, when he is on talk shows, he says the first thing that comes into his head.  He was likely unaware that 1200 people were very much enjoying this tweeter.  He may not have read very many of the tweets.  

He may have had a hard time putting himself in the heads of fans who adore him.  The person who loved him so much that he or she longed to be his dog might be hard for him to imagine or have compassion for.  Also, he might not understand how fan art can be helpful to other fans, how some of us would feel good about reading the posts of someone imagining being Josh's dog.

In any case, a number of people, me included, have been pleading with @SweeneysTweeter to come back.  They/we have been posting requests on twitter and on Josh's fan website, but I wonder whether the person who was @SweeneysTweeter is reading those requests.

Some people feel that if Josh is creeped out that decides the matter.  I tend to think that Josh's feelings are not the only important ones out here.  Those over 1200 of us who were following @SweeneysTweeter and enjoying him/her should count as well.  

Just in case the @SweeneysTweeter author is not on twitter any more or not on Josh's fan website, I thought I would put this here.  Also D.J. Nicoletti posted a couple of poems on this topic.  I am putting links to those here.

I would hope that Josh would rethink his remark and possibly withdraw it at some point, maybe in a tweet or a vlog.

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