Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Josh Groban & Discrimination

I am really furious hearing that people over 40 were excluded from the screening of Coffee Town.

Age discrimination is a huge problem in this country. People over 50 are spending 3x as long between jobs as people in their 20's. The Wall Street Journal has been running articles about this.

I notice a lot less older people on the streets in New York City, recently, presumably because they aren't employed.

This is not the first time I'm hearing about this sort of thing with Josh. I heard rumors that older fans were excluded from the crowd scenes in the "If I Walk Away" video."

I have noticed, in crowds, that Josh seems to prefer to socialize with younger fans.

I am getting very incensed about this.

And to think that just this week, I was working to interest a couple of older women in buying Josh's albums.

Might just quit being Josh's fan entirely.

I couldn't help but notice as well that the cast of this movie was 4 guys with a token woman -- so common in movies, that the men get all the roles with one woman there to look good. I've also noticed on Josh's CD's that the vast majority of the back stage people are men, as well.  You see this in the studio photos that everyone he is working with is male.

Moreover, though Josh's band on tour has both men and women, there never seem to be older women -- only young, beautiful women. Men apparently are allowed to get middle aged and pudgy and still be in the Groband, but not women.

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