Sunday, October 12, 2014

memorializing tweets between Josh & Kat & others

I updated this blog several times after starting it.  You can see each new update as headed by some asterisks


Josh has been flirting with young female actresses on twitter for a long time.  I've tended to ignore it, but I'm memorializing this set of interchanges right now, because it looks like it might have developed into something.  First, the expanded conversation view, then just Joshes tweets to her.

Recent appearance together (amazing number of flashes)


Just for contrast, here's some tweets with another young performer

He actually tweeted this performer more than Kat, but there's not a video of them together, at least I don't know of one, but they tweeted back and forth enough that twitter apparently started behaving oddly with respect to them


Now everyone is getting all excited about Josh appearing with Kat.  He's suddenly the featured item on Yahoo!

But let us not forget that only a few days ago he was photographed at another charity event with former girlfriend, January Jones

This photo is interesting in that he appears with January Jones in a photo with Brad Paisley &  Brad's wife, which makes them look like 2 couples.


Here's another person who Josh has been tweeting along with some of her most recent tweets.


Kat is rumored to be engaged to her boyfriend

who is reported to be Nick Zano


Now, I can't say what is true here.  I am only remembering my impression, from when I was at the Americans for the Arts Awards in 2012, where Josh was honored.  After that event, I came away with the impression that Josh had engaged decoys, possibly even paid them, to distract us from who he was really with.  That's what I believed at the time.  Again, I can't say what is true.

That makes me suspicious that some or all of these women could be decoys again, but who knows?


Here's someone else he tweeted a lot.  She uses her name now, Natalie Mooney, but she used to be Hot Mini Donuts and her twitter handle used to be diaper_wolf.  Josh apparently met her while touring in New Zealand.

I never used to take these extended twitter exchanges very seriously.  I thought these women were all decoys, because of my experience in 2012, but now I wonder whether he wasn't dating all of them.


Well here's the link with actual footage of him calling Kat his girlfriend


Addendum 10/20/14

Josh himself mentioned another woman he's been tweeting with

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