Tuesday, February 12, 2019

@joshgroban Fandango Event 2/12/19 -- Fire and Ice

It started out with my friend, Night Owl, telling me she couldn't come with me, because she had the flu.

Then there was the wintry mix weather -- not really safe.  I sort of wondered whether it was worth going to see a movie of a concert that I attended, when it might mean risking my life.

I borrowed my son's Subaru, because it has all wheel drive.  I was forced to confess to him that I mistakenly threw out the key that he made for me for the car, so I had to take his key.

I had to shovel the driveway when sleet was still falling, because I wanted to get to the theater.

As I wanted in, I mentioned to one of the theater personnel there that I smelled smoke.  She replied "I Know."  I walked on in.  I figured it was nothing serious.

I got there about five minutes late, so I missed the first song.

This was at the City Center in White Plains, NY.  There were actually only about 10 people at this venue -- probably because of the bad weather.

I got to see "You Are Loved."  It was magical.  The sound was perfect.  I could see and hear Tarikh and Andre singing.  Josh's voice sounded perfect.  The packed arena looked like fairyland.  There was no chance that I would be seen, way up in the nose bleed seats, but at least I got to see the arena from the stage.

If you've been following this blog, you know that I've made a point of documenting sound problems -- usually too loud, or frequency distortion -- in Josh's concerts.  This was just the opposite.  Perfect sound, with the wonderful speakers of the theater.

Then the screen went black and they told us we had to go out, because there was a fire.

As we walked out, I could smell that the smoke was worse.

They had us wait in the Atrium of the Mall.  After a while, they said they were not re-opening the theater.  The fire was not in a trash can, as one of my fellow concert goers had optimistically hoped, but rather in the wall of the theater -- wiring perhaps.  For a while, the Shoprite below the theater was closed as well, but they reopened that later. I got some passes for a later event, tho, obviously it wasn't going to be this event.

So frustrated.

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