Tuesday, October 22, 2013

On putting a chess rook next to my twitter handle

I just want to put in my two cents about adding a chess symbol after my twitter handle on twitter.

I started seeing all the Grobies putting that next to their name, so I inquired as to what it meant.

One person told me that it shows solidarity behind Josh.  Someone else said that it symbolizes wanting him to bring Chess back to Broadway.

Now I want Josh to do something on Broadway, but I'm not in favor of Chess.  

First, he's already done it twice, and there is a DVD that lots of us already have.  

Second, while I love Josh's performance in that musical, and the music *is* beautiful, and there are some funny points, the plot is odd -- particularly given the casting.  In the musical, as cast, Josh's character leaves the spectacularly beautiful Russian wife for the much less attractive Idina Menzel, abandoning his country in the process.  The motivation is very unclear.

Unfortunately, I did not like the voices of most of the other singers on the DVD, though those aren't necessarily the ones who will be singing in whatever Josh does.

I personally like a lot of the songs that Josh has written himself, like "Remember When It Rained," "Now or Never," "Voce Existe em Mim," "False Alarms," and "February Song."  He has a particular sound to some of the music he writes.  The ones with Dan Wilson have a much more traditional sound.  Because of the unique sound to the pieces I have listed, I have categorized Josh as the first mainstream New Music singer, though really I think of this as a new genre that is a fusion between pop and New Music.  This music tends to be complex and intellectual, unlike the highly simplified stuff that makes up standard pop music fare.

Another thing that I note about these songs is that the lyrics are complex, beautiful, poetic, and thought provoking.  

I suppose the intellectual level of Josh's music is part of what makes it less popular.  I sometimes characterize it as music by and for nerds.  Since I am a nerd, I like this stuff.  Perhaps that makes my advice more suspect.

I would like to see Josh get together with people like Imogen Heap, Eric Mouquet, Lester Mendez, and Carlinhos Brown to create a new musical in this pop/New Music fusion genre that Josh has created -- though maybe it could also have some more classical songs in Italian.

Maybe such a musical shouldn't open on Broadway.  Perhaps it should start in a smaller venue.  Maybe it wouldn't be so wildly popular as a "Lion King" or a "Wicked," but maybe it would be a unique contribution to the history of music -- and those of us who are nerds would get a lot out of it.

So, for now, I have the symbol, but I'm not sure if I should keep it.


Addendum 10/24/13

Here's a further explanation

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