Friday, February 12, 2016

Questions for @joshgroban

There were a couple of instances recently where questions for Josh were solicited.  I did submit some, but they didn't get answered.

I decided to post them on this blog, because it's been my experience that Josh does eventually answer questions that he sees on line.

Your improv has inspired me to study improv, so I’m interested in learning more about your improv background.  I've been studying improv for 3 years now.

I’ve heard you say that you were studying improv before you became interested in singing.  Does this mean before you were 12?

I heard a rumor that you studied improv at a summer camp at Second City, in Chicago.  Is this so? How old were you then?

When you studied improv, did you study short form or long form, or both?

Also, you once said that Stevie Wonder asked you to call him so that the two of you could write a song together that might save the world.  You also said that you were too chicken to call him.  I’m not sure if you’ve become aware of my quixotic quest for the world anthem.  I’ve blogged about it a lot.  Here’s a summary
So Stevie Wonder’s request to you is of great interest to me.  Have you called him yet?

My dream band for you would include all of the following: Tariqh, Lucia Micarelli, Ruslan Sirota, and Taku Hirano. Any chance that we could get all of them at once?

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