Thursday, May 23, 2013

Bizarre: some comparisons of Demi, Pia, and Connie

According to Hollywood Reporter

Demi Lovato's song "Heart Attack" was first recorded with Pia Toscano.  When Interscope abandoned the project of issuing an album for Pia, they had Demi record right over Pia and issued the song with both voices.  Here's Demi's video:

I'm hearing some tell tale auto-tune sound in Demi's voice, implying that "Heart Attack" was not totally her voice.  I don't think Pia needs autotune.

So I am looking at this video of Demi, listening to the two voices and thinking about how Demi comes off in videos as compared with Pia.  Here's Pia in a different song:

I don't really watch these TV talent shows.  I just hear about a few of the artists.  Most of the artists I can't stand, just like I can't stand most pop music.  Pia was one of those few who I could listen to.  Predictably, she didn't win.  The artists who I've most liked: Susan Boyle, Jackie Evancho. Connie Talbot, Rhydian Roberts, Sung Bong Choi, and Crystal Bowersox have all come in second.  I suppose it stands to reason that I would also have liked Pia, who came in 8th.

Actually, many people were upset that Pia came in 8th.  Ellen even had Pia on the the talk show, because Ellen was upset that Pia was eliminated so soon.   Ellen really looks at Pia with total adoration on this video, to try to emphasize how highly she thinks of Pia.

OK so what is the difference between Pia and Demi?

Pia has a prettier face than Demi, but is slightly heavier, or at least was slightly heavier at the time of her ido appearance.  I'm not sure that's still true.

I would say that Pia has the stronger, sweeter voice, but Demi is more emotional.  Pia generally puts out a light aura of being happy when she performs, while Demi is consistently able to project misery.

I'm pretty sure that it is Demi's emotional tenor that makes her so successful.  She always looks as if she's on the verge of a meltdown.

Why is this good, to look so upset when singing?

I mean I'm not going to say that I'm immune to the attraction to negative drama.  I, after all, am a Grobanite, and Josh is the king of miserable in singing.  I call myself his drama vampire.  I like to drink his drama.

But what is it, this attraction to musical grief?  Why is a woman with a less showy voice, but more emotion, preferred over a prettier woman with a better voice?

This doesn't really make sense to me.

Well, predictably for an older viewer, I am enthralled with child prodigies.

Here's Connie Talbot covering "Heart Attack" without autotune, with only one musician, no special editing or camera work, and looking happy.  Also, I prefer that her work has all been fairly informal and homey, not glitzy.

Connie's allure for now is that she's a kid.  I wonder if I'll feel the same way about her when she's an adult.  I wonder how she'll stack up against Pia and Demi.

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